ترتیل کل قرآن استاد عبدالباسط

by Websoft Group

Music & Audio


ل Recitation of the whole and thirty parts of the Holy Quran with the voice of Master Abdul Basit Mo...

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ل Recitation of the whole and thirty parts of the Holy Quran with the voice of Master Abdul Basit Mohammad Abdul Samad in the order of Surah, Page, Jaz and Hezb without the need for internet ★★ All software sounds are in mp3 format and with high quality and excellent قرارIn this version, for example, the first part of the Quran is included. If you wish, upgrade the program to the full version.In this program, you can also use the facilities of a complete Quran without advertisements.Some features of the app:✔ Ability to adjust the reading speed of each reader to your taste✔ Possibility of repeating Quranic verses up to 40 times for Quran memorizers✔ Ability to save the last study in each section. Possibility of activating or deactivating the Persian translation at the same time as displaying the text of the QuranخودAutomatic page movement when playing audio.Automatic playback of burst sounds✔Ability to mark verses✔Ability to search the text and translate verses✔Ability to set all colors as background✔ Possibility to change the text size of the verses of the Holy Quranابل Can be installed and run for all Android 4 and above mobile phones✔ Possibility to change the text font (Osman Taha, Neyrizi, Iran Sans, Nazanin)* List of 114 Quranic chapters of this program includes the following:1- سوره حمد (فاتحه)2- سوره بقره3- Surah Al-Imran4- سوره نساء5 - سوره مائده6- سوره انعام7- Sura Al-Araf8- سوره انفال9- سوره توبه10- Surah Yunus11- سوره هود12- Surah Yusuf13- سوره رعد14- Sura Ibrahim15- سوره حجر16- Surah An-Nahl17- سوره اسراء18- سوره کهف19- سوره مریم20- سوره طه21- سوره انبیاء22- سوره حج23- سوره مومنون24- سوره نور25- Sura Al-Furqan26- سوره شعراء27- سوره نمل28- سوره قصص29- سوره عنکبوت30- سوره روم31- سوره لقمان32- سوره سجده33- سوره احزاب34- سوره سبا35- سوره فاطر36- سوره یس37- سوره صافات38- سوره ص39- سوره زمر40- سوره غافر41- سوره فصلت42- سوره شوری43- سوره زخرف44- سوره دخان45- سوره جاثیه46- سوره احقاف47-Sura Muhammad48-سوره فتح49-Surah Al-Hujurat50-سوره ق51-سوره ذاریات52-Sura Toor53-سوره نجم54-Surah Qamar55-Surah Ar-Rahman56-Surah Al-Waqiah57-Surah Hadid58-سوره مجادله59-Surah Al-Hashr60-سوره ممتحنه61-سوره صف62-Surah Jumuah63-Surah Al-Munafiqun64-Surah Taghabun65-سوره طلاق66-Surah Tahrim67-Sura Malik68-Sura Qalam69-Surah Al-Haqqa70-سوره معارج71-سوره نوح72-سوره جن73-Surah Muzmal74-Surah Muddaththir75-سوره قیامة76-Surah Al-Insan77. Surah Al-Mursalat78-سوره نبا79-سوره نازعات80-Surah Abbas81-Surah Takwir82-سوره انفطار83-Sura Al-Mutaffifin84-سوره انشقاق85-Surah Al-Burooj86-Surah Al-Tariq87-سوره الأعلى88-Surah Ghashiyah89-Surah Fajr90-Sura Balad91-Surah Shams92-Sura Layl93-سوره ضحى94-Surah Al-Ansharah95-Surah Al-Tin96-سوره علق97-Sura Al-Qadr98-Surah Bina99-سوره زلزال100-Surah Al-Adiyat101-سوره القارعار102-Surah Takathar103-Surah Asr104-Surah Hamzah105-Surah Fil106-Surah Quraysh107-Sura Maun108-Surah Kawthar109-Surah Kafrun110-Surah An-Nasr111-Surah Masad (Tibet)112-Surah Al-Ikhlas (Tawhid)113-سوره فلق114-Surah Nas